Kategori: Articles

Can Indonesian ‘smart cities’ be inclusive?

In the last two decades, the concept of a ‘smart city’ has been progressively adopted by cities in Southeast Asian countries, including cities in Indonesia. The concept originated in the USA and several European countries in the early 1990s, and…

Nominal Group Technique Workshop

Hotel Santika Malang Hosted by PSLD UB This workshop is jointly organised by AIDRAN and PSLD in Malang on 23 November 2018. About 52 participants attended the workshop. They were researchers, disability students and activists from around East Java, and…

Disability data and the development agenda in Indonesia

At the heart of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) is poverty reduction and improved welfare for the world’s poorest people, measurable by social statistics. However, it is increasingly clear that progress in basic services aimed at malnutrition, education and income…

Membuka pintu pendidikan lebih lebar bagi siswa difabel di Indonesia

Hari Disabilitas Internasional yang diperingati setiap 3 Desember bukan hanya untuk mendukung penyandang disabilitas tapi juga hari untuk mengambil tindakan demi memastikan warga difabel mendapatkan haknya. Sebuah kolaborasi Indonesia-Australia meninjau apakah lembaga pendidikan di Indonesia, termasuk lembaga pendidikan Islam, membuka…

People with disability: locked out of learning?

Indonesian students with disability are challenged by inadequate support and lack of accessible teaching and learning facilities. Photo by Tommy Kristiawan Permadi. Indonesia has made good progress towards increasing enrolment in higher education but it still has a long way to…